Padmasambhava (The Lotus-Born), an emanation of the Buddha Amitaba, was a great yogi from the country of Uddiyana, who introduced Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century.
Known as Precious Guru, he gave teachings and transmission of the Vajrayana to hundreds of disciples, manifesting countless wonders.
For the benefit of future generations he concealed thousands of hidden teachings in many places.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Padmasambhava's Cave @ Drak Yerpa, Tibet

the approach to drak yerpa

the approach to drak yerpa II

"the glimpse" ~ from guru rinpoche's cave, drak yerpa

"approaching the view" ~ the cave's vivid caretaker monk

unspeakable the blessings of this cave

images by michael ash @

Oddiyan's Gate ༃ ~ Michael Ash 2011

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jinka cave complex: photos

Photos of Jinka cave complex, Central Tibet.

Jinka cavesJinka caves
Jinka caves

More photos here.
All pictures by Anatoly Sokolov.