Padmasambhava (The Lotus-Born), an emanation of the Buddha Amitaba, was a great yogi from the country of Uddiyana, who introduced Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century.
Known as Precious Guru, he gave teachings and transmission of the Vajrayana to hundreds of disciples, manifesting countless wonders.
For the benefit of future generations he concealed thousands of hidden teachings in many places.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

General statement by Tsele Natsok Rangdrol

The Great Master expressed the real essence of this in his advice named the Precious Garland of Gold:

I, Padmakara, came to benefit Tibet.

By miraculous displays, I have tamed the vicious spirits

And established many destined people on the path of ripening and liberation.

The profound terma teachings shall fill Tibet and Kham with siddhas.

Pass and valley, mountain and cave, everywhere down to the size of a hoof,

I have consecrated to be a place of sadhana.

Creating the auspicious coincidence for lasting peace in Tibet and Kham,

I shall nurture beings with an unceasing stream of emanations.

My kindness to Tibet is great but it will not be appreciated.

From the introduction to The Lotus-Born: The Sanglingma Life Story of Padmasambhava-

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